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What is COPD?

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a chronic lung disease including emphysema and chronic bronchitis. COPD causes airways in the lungs to narrow which can make breathing more difficult. It can be caused by smoking or exposure to lung irritants such as smoke, gas, chemical fumes, or air pollution.

More than 46,000 people in Western Australia have COPD or one in six people over the age of 45. Concerningly, half of the people living with COPD won’t know they have COPD or won’t be diagnosed, meaning they’re not living their best lives.

If left undiagnosed and untreated, COPD can interrupt daily activities, sleep patterns and the ability to exercise. Symptoms vary from person to person, but common symptoms are breathlessness, wheezing, coughing and fatigue.

Early diagnosis and treatment help to improve symptoms and quality of life. Our team of respiratory experts help Western Australians impacted by COPD with support and resources needed to manage COPD.

COPD and breathlessness

Breathlessness or shortness of breath can be a symptom of COPD but there are several things that can help reduce or manage your breathlessness.

Breathlessness can cause anxiety which can lead to increased muscle tension meaning you need more effort to breathe, creating a vicious cycle.

Breathlessness caused by being active is not harmful and alongside regular walking or exercise can improve breathlessness in the long term.

Tips For managing breathlessness

There are a series of simply tips to help you recover quicker from breathlessness, settle your breathing, and assist in managing long-term breathlessness.
If your breathing is getting worse or is new, please seek advice from your doctor.

Breathing Techniques

Focus on slow, deeper breaths from your tummy and focus on:


feel your tummy lift as you breathe in;


as you breathe out;


and wait for the next breath to come;

Other breathing techniques include:

  • Pursed Lip Breathing – breathe in through your nose like you’re smelling the roses, and breathe out, as if through a straw or blowing out the candles
  • Blow as you go – breathe in before exerting effort, breathe out with effort
  • Paced breathing – breathe in for a few counts, breathe out for a few counts
  • Breathe around the rectangle – follow the side of a rectangle with your eyes with a tummy breath. Gradually slow the speed at which your eyes move around the edge of the shape to slow your breathing

When breathless, remember the three P's:


Pause and stop what you are doing


Lean forward, drop your shoulders to relieve your breathlessness


‘Smell the roses’ and ‘blow out the candles’

Respiratory Care WA is here to help. Our team provide personalised COPD education which your doctor or medical professional may not have time to explain.


Contact our team today


If you have an emergency, always call Triple-Zero (000) for an ambulance.