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McCusker Foundation Case Study


1 in 4 Western Australians over the age of 65 have Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). It is the second leading cause of avoidable hospital admissions, and 7,000 Australians will die this year. Respiratory Care WA is the only organisation in WA offering free, personalised services for people with COPD, including diagnosis, education, and resources.

Post COVID, we experienced a significant increase in demand for our services and identified a need for integrated, community, bulk-billed Respiratory Hubs, plus expansion to service our COPD consumers.

Since expanding less than two years ago, the demand for COPD services has exponentially increased to 40% of our consumers experiencing a primary diagnosis of COPD (~2,500 per year).

The Respiratory Care WA team identified the need for clinical experts to drive service development and delivery for our consumers and support upskilling and best practice healthcare for our health services team.


In 2021 the McCusker Foundation first funded Respiratory Care WA’s McCusker Respiratory Nurse, at $120,000 per year.

The McCusker Respiratory Health Nurse role at Respiratory Care WA is pivotal to growing service capability, not only for consumers but also in our Health Services Team.

The implementation of this role has helped support the development of the team. The McCusker Respiratory Health Nurse allows Respiratory Care WA to deliver a comprehensive clinical support service to an increased number of people throughout WA as well as the expansion of Lung Function Testing and monitoring in the community.

The McCusker Respiratory Health Nurse has also been involved in education and support to the wider community through clinics and Health Professional upskilling workshops.

McCusker Foundation have now renewed this funding every year, for the last three years.

Partnership Impact


Delivered services to more than 1,000 consumers across the state, including Aboriginal and CALD consumers.

Professional Development

  • Delivered 20+ hours of personal professional including COPD Guidelines and screening updates for Respiratory Care WA.
  • Delivered 30+ hours of professional development for partners including WA Country Health Service Regional Chronic Conditions Care Collaborative; WAPHA Population health Chronic Community of Practice COPD Presentation; Corrective Services HealthCare Nurses upskilling; RACGP GP Registrars training.
  • Delivered 10+ upskilling sessions for Respiratory Care WA team on specialised clinical solutions for respiratory conditions.

RCWA Representative

Represented Respiratory Care WA at 20 respiratory forums including WA Country Health Service Regional Chronic Conditions Care Collaborative; Rural Clinical School GP Forum; Australian Primary Nurse Association.