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Marcus was a rising star in the football world – he was fast, agile and had a natural talent for the game. But Marcus’ asthma was limiting his ability to play football. He would often have to take breaks during practice and games and was afraid of pushing himself too hard for fear of having an asthma flare-up.

Marcus first came to Respiratory Care WA, formerly Asthma WA, in 2021 after his performance had dropped and he was experiencing issues with his asthma.

Marcus was struggling to manage his asthma and was being triggered. Triggers for people with asthma vary widely and for Marcus, something with the ocean or the oval was causing his asthma symptoms to flare up.

“It was a bit of a nightmare. Being out on the field and feeling like I’m hardly breathing. I just maybe thought, well maybe this is over for me, I won’t be able to pursue my dreams of being an AFL athlete.”

After running Lung Function Testing, his tests showed a risk he had the risk of not being able to continue playing football.

Respiratory Care WA’s education and support programs helped Marcus to understand his asthma and develop a management plan that worked for his unique asthma. He learned how to use his preventer medication effectively and identified his triggers. Marcus also learned how to manage his asthma during exercise. He learned how to warm up properly, and he learned how to recognise the signs of an asthma flare-up.

Marcus With Kate

“Ever since Respiratory Care WA has come, I’ve been able to breathe. I’ve been able to notice stuff about me that I’ve never really known before.”

With Respiratory Care WA’s help, Marcus’ asthma control improved dramatically. He was able to play football without having to worry about having a flare-up. Two years later, Marcus regularly uses his preventer and has now been chosen for an AFL development squad.

“Respiratory Care WA are actually looking out for me. I’m confident that I can actually succeed, that I can keep playing the midfield instead of sitting on the bench keeping it warm for everyone else.”